View Full Version : Polls

  1. What Lake Town Do You Come From?
  2. Ice Cream 'Round the Lake Poll---TAKE IT!
  3. favorite restaurant-Northern lake area
  4. best restaurant in northern part of lake
  5. Require canoes and kayaks to be registered
  6. How far do you live from the Lake?
  7. 2008 Boating Poll
  8. Poll: What generation are you?
  9. What kind of boat?
  10. What Lakes Region Area Generation Are You?
  11. best restaurant northern part of lake
  12. clinic
  13. How often do you "Check in" at the Forum ?
  14. What local newspaper do you read and why?
  15. What do people want to read in the newspaper?
  16. best restaurant in northern part of the lake
  17. Lakes Region Newspapers
  18. Lakes Region Newspapers
  19. What Route do you travel?
  20. What type of motorcycle do you drive to Bike Week, or just around the area?
  21. best restaurant in northern part of the lake
  22. How close to do you live to Winni?
  23. Does your ancestry involve the lake?
  24. Comunications methods used in the area.
  25. Ban Kids from Restaurants (Poll)
  26. Exclusive Meredith Island Property Owner Boat Parking
  27. your favorite restaurant in northern part of the lake
  28. How do you cook your Lake Bacon?
  29. What age group are you in?
  30. Which rest area will close first
  31. Are you a Military Veteran?
  32. How Often Are You Checking the Webcams Now?
  33. How old is your boat?
  34. Meredith Island Association
  35. Curling Survey
  36. What sound do you most associate with your lake house?