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Old 12-02-2010, 07:27 AM   #39
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Default Headline C-Monitor December 2

howdi....hey check out today's and its' front page "Brakes on boat speed limits" top story along with a boat & water photo....the photo looks like it was taken from an airplane or maybe from the Harry Hood "drink milk" blimp??? Ok, enough with that and on to some highly relevant and intelligent speed limits comments....I'm think'n good today but ain't got nuth'n to say now?

Ok, but here's someone with an intelligent e-mail comment from the bottom of this Concord Monitor front page article.

Marine Speed by hoytbrook 12/02/10 6:38am

As a cottage owner on a small lake and former board member of our protective association, I have personally witnessed some terrifying incidents related to speed. Nearby Sunapee Lake has also had a lot of dangerous boat activity. Lack of recorded arrests and fines is probably due to a lack of manpower on a small staff of marine police. If the new Republican majority thinks that taking away the speed limits in support of a hazy definition of safe operation, they ought to spend a weekend day/night on one of our larger lakes. I wonder if these people have grandchildren who have been endangered by reckless boaters!!!
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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