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tis 05-11-2018 06:45 AM

I think a lot of people will like it for weddings and parties. I don't know about the rest.

ishoot308 05-11-2018 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 294513)
I think a lot of people will like it for weddings and parties. I don't know about the rest.

Hi Tis;

I agree with you but I think the Winni Belle has those types of venues pretty well taken care of, not to mention the Mount. The Winni Belle does a good job through the Wolfeboro Inn. Maybe there is room for another??....not sure, I guess time will tell.

I am very curious where they will be docking at however!


tis 05-11-2018 12:23 PM

Hi I. I agree with you. The Winni Belle does seem to have it covered. They seem to be quite busy but they are mostly on this side of the lake so I was thinking maybe this new one will do quite well if they serve both sides of the lake. And though I haven't checked I assume the Mount is more expensive, but maybe not. You are right, time will tell.

thinkxingu 05-11-2018 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 294520)
Hi I. I agree with you. The Winni Belle does seem to have it covered. They seem to be quite busy but they are mostly on this side of the lake so I was thinking maybe this new one will do quite well if they serve both sides of the lake. And though I haven't checked I assume the Mount is more expensive, but maybe not. You are right, time will tell.

Location definitely matters, but what about style? The other vessels noted are classic, whereas this is a box. Maybe that's one of my prejudices...

Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using Tapatalk

Sinclair 05-11-2018 01:02 PM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 294521)
Location definitely matters, but what about style? The other vessels noted are classic, whereas this is a box. Maybe that's one of my prejudices...

Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using Tapatalk

Agreed. It seems discordant with the lake that way.

LIforrelaxin 05-11-2018 02:07 PM

Interesting thread... and interesting business venture.

First I wish the business the best, and hope the kind find away to make it work.

If they can find a place to operate while tied to shore I am sure they will do fine. If they can't then they will have a very short season....

tis 05-11-2018 03:03 PM

I don't know, think. I like the classic look too but maybe it's like houses. Some people like modern house styles and some like colonial etc.

joey2665 05-11-2018 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 294530)
I don't know, think. I like the classic look too but maybe it's like houses. Some people like modern house styles and some like colonial etc.

I think this style speaks to the younger millennial crowd. Young singles with disposable cash.

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tis 05-11-2018 05:40 PM

You are probably right, Joey.

Descant 05-12-2018 08:57 AM

Where is it?
The advertised size at 2400 sq ft is huge, even of you figure the size of the first deck at 1200 sq ft. Why has nobody on this Forum reported seeing such a vessel under construction, or where it is moored? Even if it is something modular, the components need to be launched and assembled someplace, presumably some place like a marina or marine railway. And it needs a homeport. Why don't we have reported rumors of where it will be homeported? Until I see some good rumors posted, I don't believe just a FB page.
"Like manure, a rumor is no good if you don't spread it."

joey2665 05-12-2018 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 294544)
The advertised size at 2400 sq ft is huge, even of you figure the size of the first deck at 1200 sq ft. Why has nobody on this Forum reported seeing such a vessel under construction, or where it is moored? Even if it is something modular, the components need to be launched and assembled someplace, presumably some place like a marina or marine railway. And it needs a homeport. Why don't we have reported rumors of where it will be homeported? Until I see some good rumors posted, I don't believe just a FB page.

"Like manure, a rumor is no good if you don't spread it."

According to Facebook their are sneak peek photos on Instagram. However I do not have an account. Maybe some here can check and post photos.

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Descant 05-12-2018 09:44 AM

There are pictures of the barge under construction on the Dive website. No indication of where and I can't tell from the pix.

Descant 05-12-2018 02:51 PM

I emailed <> and got a prompt reply. A good sign. They are planning to be in operation late May, early June. Price structure for charters and private parties has not been set yet. The upper deck alone will hold 80 people. They said they would come to my location in Gilford with no transit charge, so I guess they're not far away. I wonder if you could rent one deck for a private party and the other deck open to the public as they do on the Mount? Not clear if they do cruises or just come to your (or other) location for a party.

Time for a Forum Fest 2018?

Hillcountry 05-12-2018 03:19 PM

It appears that this thing is real...much to my amazement. I wonder what the draft is? I think the Mount is about 9’

Cal Coon 05-12-2018 08:19 PM


Originally Posted by thinkxingu (Post 294507)
Your suggestion that the reason hiking trails are overcrowded because of illegal immigration is absurd and xenophobic.

I also take great offense to your repeated use of the "denial" line--there are few things worse than unoriginality and repetition.

Sent from my Moto G (5S) Plus using Tapatalk

It is IMPOSSIBLE for me (or anyone for that matter), to be xenophobic because I/we do not support ILLEGAL immigration. That doesn't even make sense when we are referring to the laws of the land, it is just your way of (falsely) trying to "label" someone as a terrible person because you don't agree with them on something, and that is just wrong and says a lot about your credibility. It is a matter of breaking the law. We are a nation of laws and they MUST be obeyed or changed, NOT IGNORED. Based on your rationale, am I xenophobic because I am against rape and murder too?? Sounds pretty ridiculous, huh? I have no problem with anyone from anywhere coming into this country (LEGALLY) that wants to assimilate to the American dream and way of life!! IS THAT XENOPHOBIC??? The only thing worse than being unoriginal and repetitive is trying to be pretentious. If that offends you, I suggest a coloring book to help you get over it. Not trying to hijack this thread, I am all for the Dive, and wish it success even though it's not my "cup of tea". I am all for capitalism. Live, and let live. (Ooops, I repeated myself.) If I see it during my travels, I will definitely check it out if it's not to crowded, if for no other reason than to just be able to say I was on it. Maybe we will start seeing bumper stickers out there that say "I did the Dive", or "Do the Dive", or something to that effect that only knowledgeable Winnipesaukee boaters will recognize...!!

ursa minor 05-12-2018 09:21 PM

Hey Cal, there must be 10,000 sites on the web where you can post and discuss political opinions; this isn't one of them. You're relatively new to the site, please enjoy it and contribute with your experiences here at the Lake. Thanks!

Cal Coon 05-12-2018 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by ursa minor (Post 294573)
Hey Cal, there must be 10,000 sites on the web where you can post and discuss political opinions; this isn't one of them. You're relatively new to the site, please enjoy it and contribute with your experiences here at the Lake. Thanks!

No worries, I'm all done with this forum. To many snowflakes... Go Trump!!

Hillcountry 05-13-2018 06:46 AM


Originally Posted by joey2665 (Post 294533)
I think this style speaks to the younger millennial crowd. Young singles with disposable cash.

Sent from my iPhone using Winnipesaukee Forum mobile app

Ahhhh! Disposable cash! That must be what’s in those backpacks!

ApS 05-13-2018 07:11 AM

I wonder about Braun Bay...

Originally Posted by Hillcountry (Post 294557)
It appears that this thing is real...much to my amazement. I wonder what the draft is? I think the Mount is about 9’

• The photographs show barge-like "post-anchors" at the corners: This makes sense, as "business" would be conducted in shallow water—and these would minimize the effects of wind direction and velocity.

• The final color shouldn't be gray, as the lake too-frequently has conditions of fog or haze.

• Using those four posts for stability, it wouldn't be technically "anchored" (any more than dock-barges are anchored) and could be "parked" in one place overnight—and all summer. :confused:

noreast 05-13-2018 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Cal Coon (Post 294570)
It is IMPOSSIBLE for me (or anyone for that matter), to be xenophobic because I/we do not support ILLEGAL immigration. That doesn't even make sense when we are referring to the laws of the land, it is just your way of (falsely) trying to "label" someone as a terrible person because you don't agree with them on something, and that is just wrong and says a lot about your credibility. It is a matter of breaking the law. We are a nation of laws and they MUST be obeyed or changed, NOT IGNORED. Based on your rationale, am I xenophobic because I am against rape and murder too?? Sounds pretty ridiculous, huh? I have no problem with anyone from anywhere coming into this country (LEGALLY) that wants to assimilate to the American dream and way of life!! IS THAT XENOPHOBIC??? The only thing worse than being unoriginal and repetitive is trying to be pretentious. If that offends you, I suggest a coloring book to help you get over it. Not trying to hijack this thread, I am all for the Dive, and wish it success even though it's not my "cup of tea". I am all for capitalism. Live, and let live. (Ooops, I repeated myself.) If I see it during my travels, I will definitely check it out if it's not to crowded, if for no other reason than to just be able to say I was on it. Maybe we will start seeing bumper stickers out there that say "I did the Dive", or "Do the Dive", or something to that effect that only knowledgeable Winnipesaukee boaters will recognize...!!

I believe the point was how incredibly stupid your comment was in context to hiking and other outdoor activities, I've been hiking hundreds of times and, Though I can't be sure, have never come across a group of illegals in my travels. You throwing that out there just shows that it's right on your mind, so the shoe probably fits in this case. Just to save you from more dumb comments, I've never voted for a national democrat, meaning president, senate or congress. I try not to vote for republicans either but sometimes I don't have much choice.

noreast 05-13-2018 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Cal Coon (Post 294574)
No worries, I'm all done with this forum. To many snowflakes... Go Trump!!

Just one more, Lately your side has all the snowflakes falling out of the sky. Move to Russia, good riddance.

JADAQ 05-13-2018 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Descant (Post 294547)
There are pictures of the barge under construction on the Dive website. No indication of where and I can't tell from the pix.

Being built in the Chanel at West Alton marina

Patiently Watching 05-13-2018 08:33 PM

I'm shocked this will be able to get necessary permits from the state and possibly towns. The Winni Bell does charters only, including the booze cruises and does not sell to the public other than those guests.
Looks like they have a long way to go...

Biggd 05-14-2018 05:47 AM

How did illegal immigration and politics come into this thread? :confused: Some people will just go through any means to push their agenda. :rolleye1:

Phantom 05-14-2018 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by JADAQ (Post 294613)
Being built in the Chanel at West Alton marina

Now it makes sense !!

JADAQ is correct !

When we went into WAM a week ago, we saw this building "construction" behind where Winnipesaukee Marine parks their barges/ rocks/poles/supplies and thought it was a new WAM building going up ............... at the time never gave it a second thought as the owners of WAM are always improving the grounds.

Dave R 05-14-2018 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by Biggd (Post 294619)
How did illegal immigration a politics come into this thread? :confused: Some people will just go through any means to push their agenda. :rolleye1:

The segue was obvious to me: Floating restaurant begets hiking complaint, hiking complaint begets illegal immigration rant. Obvious, no? :D

Anyway, my thoughts:

I doubt someone would go to the trouble of building this if they were unable to get permits to use it as intended.

It's not my scene, but I think it's pretty neat and I hope it's successful. It's a clever way to open a boat-to restaurant without needing to buy expensive real estate. For those that are concerned about the environmental impact should consider how this thing will NOT require more than a dock's width of waterfront property and won't require a paved parking lot right next to the lake.

Draft will be extremely shallow. There's just not that much mass:surface area there and it likely has an utterly flat hull.

It will blend nicely with the uglier homes on the lake, not so much the boats, but it will look better than some of them.

I don't think the post anchors will exclude it from overnight mooring laws and I'd be willing to bet it will return to a dock or mooring every night. Considering where it's being built and the slow cruising speed, I suspect it will typically be a short trip...

dave603 05-14-2018 07:44 AM

I wonder how they are going to move it around anywhere?
Tow it or stick a couple of LARGE outboards on it?

joey2665 05-14-2018 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by Dave R (Post 294624)
The segue was obvious to me: Floating restaurant begets hiking complaint, hiking complaint begets illegal immigration rant. Obvious, no? :D

Anyway, my thoughts:

I doubt someone would go to the trouble of building this if they were unable to get permits to use it as intended.

It's not my scene, but I think it's pretty neat and I hope it's successful. It's a clever way to open a boat-to restaurant without needing to buy expensive real estate. For those that are concerned about the environmental impact should consider how this thing will NOT require more than a dock's width of waterfront property and won't require a paved parking lot right next to the lake.

Draft will be extremely shallow. There's just not that much mass:surface area there and it likely has an utterly flat hull.

It will blend nicely with the uglier homes on the lake, not so much the boats, but it will look better than some of them.

I don't think the post anchors will exclude it from overnight mooring laws and I'd be willing to bet it will return to a dock or mooring every night. Considering where it's being built and the slow cruising speed, I suspect it will typically be a short trip...

It's a long way from Alton (if that is were they are mooring in the evenings) to Braun Bay (where is suppose it will do a majority of its business). Do you think this hull design can handle that trip especially of busy weekends when there is a lot of boat traffic and wakes to handle?

Phantom 05-14-2018 08:13 AM

Who's saying that WAM will be it's home base ?

All we know at this point is that it is "Under Construction" in that Marina. Makes perfect sense for logistics & launch.

joey2665 05-14-2018 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by Phantom (Post 294629)
Who's saying that WAM will be it's home base ?

All we know at this point is that it is "Under Construction" in that Marina. Makes perfect sense for logistics & launch.

That is exactly why I said "If". But my question still stands. Can the hull and size handle a busy weekend on the lake to get from point A to Point B?

Hillcountry 05-14-2018 08:35 AM


Originally Posted by joey2665 (Post 294630)
That is exactly why I said "If". But my question still stands. Can the hull and size handle a busy weekend on the lake to get from point A to Point B?

Not to mention high winds and pop up storms!

rsmlp 05-14-2018 09:36 AM

A) I wish them success.

B) I've been wrong plenty of times.

C) For reasons already enumerated, I put the odds of them being back in'19 at 1/3.

JADAQ 05-14-2018 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by Phantom (Post 294620)
Now it makes sense !!

JADAQ is correct !

When we went into WAM a week ago, we saw this building "construction" behind where Winnipesaukee Marine parks their barges/ rocks/poles/supplies and thought it was a new WAM building going up ............... at the time never gave it a second thought as the owners of WAM are always improving the grounds.

They also took delivery of twin evinrude 250’s last week for it.

BoatHouse 05-14-2018 10:32 AM


Originally Posted by JADAQ (Post 294636)
They also took delivery of twin evinrude 250’s last week for it.

I think they are going to need larger engines or a Tugboat...

codeman671 05-14-2018 10:45 AM

They are certainly spending enough, they are easily in to this for $150-200k, maybe more I am guessing, with the 2 engines, barge cost, build and fitup.

Biggd 05-14-2018 10:49 AM

I've been to a lot of dive bars in my life time. This is one that I think I will avoid. :D

ursa minor 05-14-2018 11:29 AM


Originally Posted by BoatHouse (Post 294639)
I think they are going to need larger engines or a Tugboat...

That's plenty of power, it's not going to be fast regardless of how much they hang on the back. There's a contractor in our area that has a large barge with similar power, it will do about 10-12 mph with the engines pushing hard.

The amount of windage or "sail" area would be my concern with a flat bottomed vessel that this appears to be. Even with two engines it will be a handful in a cross wind.

I wish them luck and hope they've done their "due diligence", I'm guessing this will be bringing up some discussions of lake usage vs. property owner's rights before too long.

Dave R 05-14-2018 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by joey2665 (Post 294628)
It's a long way from Alton (if that is were they are mooring in the evenings) to Braun Bay (where is suppose it will do a majority of its business). Do you think this hull design can handle that trip especially of busy weekends when there is a lot of boat traffic and wakes to handle?

Oh yeah, it will have no trouble with rough water, it has a very low CG and can't go fast enough to pound in the waves. It's not a 17 foot bow rider.

TiltonBB 05-14-2018 12:18 PM

What if it fails?
If I was building it my biggest concern would be what happens to the boat if it is not a financial success. The height and beam would seem to make it difficult or impossible to move it off of the lake and where would you go with it. Even a move to the coast would be a major undertaking.

There are a limited number of places that it can dock on the lake too so finding a suitable slip for the season would seem difficult. You would have to assume they have that covered.

Winter storage? Looks a little big for a travel lift? Someone has to have figured all of these things out but it should be interesting..

ITD 05-14-2018 12:44 PM

That went down hill quickly...….. back to the OP, I wonder how the liquor permit works?

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