Can't Go Wrong Handyman Christmas Gift List
Posted 12-01-2013 at 01:19 PM by Roy Sanborn

Can't Go Wrong Handyman Christmas Gift List

Well, Black Friday is here and, unfortunately for REALTORS®, thoughts turn from real estate to Christmas shopping. So it's time to present my annual Can't Go Wrong Handyman Christmas Gift List for that hard to buy for man of the house. There is no need for any spouse to panic about finding something nice to get their hubby. Just stick to the gifts on this list and you won’t even have to leave the house to shop. They are all available on the internet. You can’t go wrong.

If you want to get handy hubby something he will truly appreciate give him candles. No, no, I am not talking about vanilla, strawberry, or festive cinnamon scented ones. I’m suggesting more manly odors like fresh cut grass, pizza, BBQ, campfire, new car scent, and my favorite sawdust! What could be better than sitting around the living room in the middle of February suffering from cabin fever and then suddenly smelling that wonderful scent of a newly mown law? Come to think of it that might send him into some sort of convulsions or something. But you get the idea. Maybe the saw dust odor would be safer? These wonderful odoriferous gifts are called “Man Cans” and are available at Uncommon Goods for $15.00! I’m hoping they come out with burning rubber or methanol scented ones…

Most guys are infatuated with things that have levers and gears even if they do the most mundane things like turning on a light switch. Instead of going hi-tech with a computer controlled lighting system, get him a really cool handcrafted switch plate that replaces that simple gob of plastic on the wall. There are several styles available including a neat art deco one with a pretty cool mechanism, a planet gear one that looks like a watch mechanism, and a single toggle/lever arrangement that is simplistic but industrial looking. They all have indicators on them that say whether the light is on or off just in case he can’t tell if he's in the dark or not. These are also available at Uncommon Goods for forty bucks.

Every guy has electronic stuff to charge, so give him a couple of USB electrical outlets to install around the house. He could put one in the workshop and one in the kitchen. These outlets replace the existing wall electrical outlet and eliminate the need of plugging in a charger to the wall to connect your phone, computer, or iPad. There are lots of choices for these devices on and they start around $20.00 or so. It will also give your hubby a project to do to keep him away from the turkey and pies.

I get this wonderful catalog from Garrett Wade. They provide a great variety of “unique tools and other hands-on products of exceptional quality and solid value.” Nice stuff! They have a classic woodworker’s Yankee push drill that used to be found in every shop and carpenter’s tool bag but was stopped being produced about ten years ago. This beautiful, gleaming chrome plated brass drill can be used for a multitude of tasks around the home. It comes with eight drill bits that are stored in the handle. It is way more satisfying than using that cordless electric drill. You can find it at for $69.50.
The next big thing in thermostats is the Nest Learning Thermostat with built-in Wifi. The Nest Learning Thermostat remembers the temperature you like, turns itself down when you’re not at home, and can be controlled from your phone, tablet, or laptop. This is a real energy saver and it works by learning your patterns. Turn your thermostat down when you leave and back up when you come home and within a week the thermostat does it all for you. Plus if you are coming home early you can remotely turn up the heat before you get there. Pretty cool, or hot, depending on how you look at it. These run around $250 and can be purchased at big box stores like Home Depot.

Everyone knows the power never goes out in the Lakes Region, but just in case it does, buy him a solid brass or a solid brass and copper hurricane lamp from Garrett Wade. These lamps are really beautiful reproductions of the traditional, classic English design and are offered in 7” and 8” versions starting at around $36.00. It's a great gift to help him finally see the light. Merry Christmas…shopping!

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