Thread: Got Boats?
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Old 03-21-2004, 10:53 PM   #9
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Default Re: Got Boats?

I've got a Rinker 282 Captiva Cuddy with plenty of cool toys to keep me busy. Aside from the normal jacked-up techno-tronics like GPS, Sound System, Fish finder, and what holds you...I like to personalize the ride with unique stuff. I keep a briefcase on board with various electronics such as hand-held video games and a sweet porta-DVD system with plasma screen. I got some old GI Joes, Go-Bots, Transformers, and jigsaws for any little people that are guests for the day. Plus, I have a battery operated fog machine and three hand held lasers that produce a bean that can be seen for up to 10 miles. That makes for some awfully fine night shows on the water on summer nights. I must be true though and say that my favorite toy on the boat is a farting machine. You can hide, press a radio controlled button, and it makes a nasty old farting sound that everyone can hear. On the boat, on the docks, or even in a local eatery...that thing has riled up some funny, funny moments.

It took so long to get the dough for the boat...I make sure I have as much fun as I can possibly be having on the summer nights!!

East as the crow flies for worms my friends!
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