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Old 07-11-2018, 04:01 PM   #30
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Again, I have to disagree. Mike Huckabee’s statement on the Laura Ingram show about the owner following and berating his daughter has been looked into and found to be not credible. The protestors in both incidents, however, were completely out of line.

Political views notwithstanding, a forceful, take charge leader is fine. One who demeans, belittles, and comes up with juvenile nicknames doesn’t set an example that works for me. I expect more from my employees, my children, and everyone I come into contact with. I would love to see our President lead with civility.

As to the SC nominee, again I go back to hypocrisy. It is wrong for the Democratic leadership to announce opposition before there is even a hearing scheduled, just like it was wrong for the Republican leadership to prevent a hearing after Scalia died.

The whole conversation reminds me of the earlier thread about Right of Way. Do we want to prove a point by shouts and threats, or do we want to listen to each other, learn, and make informed decisions - which we will not all agree with. No one is shouting and threatening here, but I lament the overall loss of civility and constructive dialogue where we look for similarities rather than differences.

Not having met any of the posters on this forum, but having spent a lot of time on the water, I will end by saying I feel the majority of people on the forum, just like the majority on the water, are good people!
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