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Old 07-23-2015, 09:53 AM   #14
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Playing a bit of Devils Advocate here...why didn't we keep all the flags lowered from 2003-2010 when soldiers were dying everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan? What about every time a soldier commits suicide or dies in a car accident? I know in the past with multiple White House Administrations there has always been controversy over when to and when not to lower the flags. This is not something centered around the current administration and to say that the White House didn't do this in a timely manner due to some sort of hidden agenda just makes people seem a bit on the fringe of reality. Congress and the White House lowered the flags on the same day. People need to stop making mountains out of mole hills...finding any sort of glimmer of a chance to bash the current administration is just making the opposing people seem more and more crazy to the rest of us who don't participate in these generic party-line wars of public admonishment...
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