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Old 04-13-2022, 10:00 PM   #9
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Default Lime again

Sounds like everybody agrees on lime. So, it can have issues. Powdered lime will cake and be impossible to spread if it gets wet. If you have a metal spreader, left over time, lime will eat the paint and the spreader will be rusty very quickly. Lots of wash down needed after use. Plastic spreader is better but should still be cleaned/washed. Pelletized lime is a little easier to spread, and less prone to caking, but more expensive per square foot. So, lime is lime, right? If you're in a store that only knows one kind, you're in the wrong store. Should be a garden center where they specialize and don't primarily sell lumber and appliances with garden stuff on the side for 10 weeks in the spring.
Oh, BTW, Hosta and some of the other plant recommendations are great. Deer love Hosta and some other plants, so ask about that before you start planting. You can make a beautiful Hosta bed with a few different varieties. Once planed, just enjoy. No further work after the plants are established. Then you can cut them in half and trade with other perennial gardeners.
I guess that's a little beyond "How do I get rid of the moss?" Sorry. LIME.
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