Thread: Duck itch!
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Old 09-09-2011, 12:30 PM   #7
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We are stuck with Duck itch for a while now that it is here. Anything to help the situation is long term in effect.... However don't be lulled into the idea that every rash you get after being in the water all day is related to waterfowl. With all the fertilized lawns, etc. there are many chemicals that are entering the lake and causing havoc as well.

With that aside lets talk about what one can do to prevent duck itch.

-- The more time you spend in the water the better -- being active and enjoying the water keeps things stirred up, and allow the bacteria to get moved around and dispersed through wave action... This year the first weekend we enjoyed the water, we all had duck itch... after that initial weekend we have had almost no issues with it... however we are active and in the water every weekend.

-- Take a shower every night... everyone that has been in the water showers off every night... next year I am thinking of installing a shower head outside that can be used to rinse of more often just to be safe
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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