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Old 02-18-2021, 09:27 AM   #88
Randy Owen
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Originally Posted by CUINS View Post
Camp Belknap established in 1903. Purchases 7.5 acres of Farm Island from the Winchester's in the 1950's. Person buys remaining acreage from the Winchester's in 2020. Person brings a hailstorm of legal problems to town and Camp.
Sounds like person should not have purchased land so close to the Camp!
Completely incorrect. Person puts a deposit on the 13.5 acres of land and meets with seth kassels and transparently shares his families dreams and goals for farm island. person offers a plan to allow the camp to put a portion of land in absolute conservation. person offers to help camp with it's use of farm island. Then Seth Kassels organizes a miss led and misinformed cult and riles up an entire neighborhood and the entire town with a pack o lies and fabrications. This triggers tons of legal costs and studies. Studies prove the following:
1. Seth Kassles never went to ZBA to put a commercial use on Farm Island
2. Seth Kassel pummeled what the loon society consider northern lake winnie best loon nesting site
3. Seth Kassel violated shore line protection law
4. Seth Kassels did not get a building permit
5. seth kaessls I legally built tent platforms on farm island
6. and tons more all cost person, the town and various other organizations money.
7. Seth kassels sues the town and the town and person pay legal fees and WIN
8. seth kassels now is again exploiting low density residential land and trying to destroy neighborhood values. a superior court judge issues a stay order and seth kaessels ignores it. this triggers more law suits and legal work costing the neighbors and the the town tax payers money.
9. Persons intended use of farm island has ZERO NON COMPLIANCES WITH LOCAL AND SATATE LAWS
person further explores lie seth kassels actions and learns of an instance were seth kassles cut a lagoon and release thousands and thousands of gallons of human waste toward a neighborhood labeled winnie shores and ultimately RIGHT INTO LAKE WINNIPESAUKEE!!! Former employees report that summer a huge increase with illness with the young campers and the camp refuses to provide medical records proving otherwise. Seth's wife controls all medical records and it does not appear a hospital is involved which person believe should be.
person lived was on cow island for over 50 years. person respected camp idlewild, camp belknap and camp northwoods. Person has watched camp belknap expand for well over 50 years. present expansions are exponential

now i beg you to understand my less then perfect domainer. while doing so please ask yourself the following: when was the last time you let one hundred thousand dollars of your children's money slip through you hands on another selfish quest?
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