Thread: Traffic Circle
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Old 02-26-2008, 08:34 AM   #54
the frenchman's wife
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
Today's LaDaSun says that it's supposed to be the way it is. That it is not like a rotary from Massachusetts, but is like a round-about from Europe, and it is designed to be a traffic calmer. Tractor trailers pulling a standard 53' trailer should expect the 10 tractor tires to roll on the pavement and some of the trailer tires to track inside on top of the large granite pavers. After bike week, another 1/2" layer of asphalt will be added which will level the road with the granite pavers.

How very european......vivre le Francais!

This calls for a large pink flamingo in the middle with a changable moving sign that goes 'Bienvenue au Meredith' or maybe just 'Pardon my French'.

A similar round-about has also been completed at the north end of Main St in Plymouth that replaces the three way stop.

OK so if this is a dig at France for their round-a-bouts, you ought to check them out before you make fun of them. I LIVE in France and go through these round a bouts at just about every intersection. They are two laned and definitely large enough to allow the large trucks, even piggy-back log trucks to pass through just fine. I haven't seen the rotary in question in Meredith yet as it's been a few years since we've been back home. I do believe the rotarys in Europe are more for more fluid movement of a large amount of traffic as opposed to being a "traffic calmer". (I've also lived in England and they are pretty much the same as the one's here in France - only the traffic goes in a counter-clockwise direction in England )
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