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Old 07-06-2018, 07:18 AM   #14
Not to Worry
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Default Right of Way? Not

People confuse right of way with the obligation to avoid a collision. My understanding of the rules is that both boats must avoid collision and that means even though we may be the stand on vessel we must still give way to Captain Bonehead who is the give way vessel.

"When it seems like no one but you knows or follows the rules, the rules say you must give way to avoid a collision. If you exercise stand-on privilege and an accident results, you’ll be held at least partially responsible."

The only time that I am aware of that the word "right of way" has meaning is,
"§ 83.09 Narrow channels (Rule 9).

(i) A vessel proceeding along the course of a narrow channel or fairway shall keep as near to the outer limit of the channel or fairway which lies on her starboard side as is safe and practicable.

(ii) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(i) of this Rule and Rule 14(a) ( § 83.14(a)), a power-driven vessel operating in narrow channels or fairways on the Great Lakes, Western Rivers, or waters specified by the Secretary, and proceeding downbound with a following current shall have the right-of-way over an upbound vessel, shall propose the manner and place of passage, and shall initiate the maneuvering signals prescribed by Rule 34(a)(i) ( § 83.34(a)(i)), as appropriate. The vessel proceeding upbound against the current shall hold as necessary to permit safe passing.
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