Thread: NH Taxes
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Old 05-24-2019, 08:34 AM   #35
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Originally Posted by MAXUM View Post
More boiler plate "feel good" so called gun control stupidity. Also interesting that we are doing this because the amount of gun violence in NH is so high

Establishing gun free zones? LOL beautiful - let's rename them to what they really are, live target practice ranges for the mentally deranged. I thought we cared about our kids... guess not better to leave them completely defenseless and then advertise that they are.

A three day waiting period? Great that gives the mentally deranged aforementioned three days more days finalize their plans and stockpile ammo before going on a shooting spree. I guess these dumbocrats didn't bother to notice that most of the large scale horrific shootings that have occurred historically the perpetrator had spent months accumulating what they needed and planning their deed.

Mandatory background checks on commercial gun sales? In case these fools didn't know, you need an FFL to conduct commercial gun sales and as such you are FEDERALLY mandated to do a criminal background check or the FFL holder is guilty of a felony.

What does this do to stop criminals? Nothing at all.

Pat them all on the back aren't they all a bunch of geniuses?
The too often piece that is missing in this discussion is the increasing rate of guns and suicide. In 2016, the last year for which the CDC provides numbers, 22,938 people committed suicide by firearm, while 14,415 people died in gun homicides. Historical data shows it’s been this way for a while:

This is not simply a mental health issue, either. Instead, it is an availability issue. Suicide attempts with guns are much more "successful" than by other means. The more relaxed the gun laws are, the higher the rate per capital. And, the successful rates of suicides are highest among white men, not coincidentally the same group that is most likely to have access to a gun.

I'm not suggested banning guns, just pointing out that to have a meaningful discussion about guns and the second amendment, I believe suidice is an essential part of the discussion.
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