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Old 03-15-2020, 10:41 PM   #4
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Default Compound growth isn't just for loans

It's early days, but COVID-19 has been showing a 15% daily growth rate. That means 100 fold increase each 33 days. 10,000 in 66 days. So unless we can slow it down that's 3,000,000 US cases with 100,000 to 200,000 dead depending on whether we get the global average mortality, or Italy (6.8% dead, 9% critical, 250 died on Thursday, nearly 400 today). So what are you looking for with this post? It reminds me of standing at the fire watcher station in Mesa Verde in July 2000. The ranger was running around and looked worried. But there was nothing in particular to see. Not that I saw. Maybe a wisp of smoke. Twenty minutes later we were fleeing the park and it burned to the ground behind us.
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