Thread: The Dive!
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Old 06-28-2019, 07:36 PM   #193
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The Dive seems to move along at 4-mph and will drop anchor on top of a shallow sandbar for four hours, trying to attract boaters to drop anchor and wade through the water to get on-board The Dive for purchasing food and adult drinks. It will stop at a shallow water sand bar, stay in place, and wait for the business to show up.

With people climbing in and out of their boats like this, there's a good chance for different types of pollution. It's much more of an uncontrolled situation for all the pollution items mentioned in my above post. Items like food packaging, napkins, food items and human waste getting into the lake are more likely to happen.


The Mount Washington moves along at 22-mph and makes predesignated brief stops at the various town docks. No one goes from boat to water to sandbar to a private smaller boat, along the way ....... everyone stays on-board the 220' ship. The Mount is a much more controlled, safer and clean lake cruise.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!
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