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Old 05-04-2011, 07:18 AM   #13
lawn psycho
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Originally Posted by Rusty View Post
Representative Brian Phodes was so right when he said this:

"Representative Brian Rhodes (D-Nashua) reminded the committee during a four-hour hearing those speaking against raising the speed limit on The Broads outnumbered supporters of the bill by seven-to-one. Moreover, he said they included a mix of business owners, including a number of marina operators, who said that speed limits have benefited the Lakes Region economy."
Rusty, please provide factual data that supports that claim I bolded. We know there is no data that exists and we've discussed it ad nausem.

The 7:1 is based on who signed into a log at the meeting. Sorry but that's a terrible way to base voting.

Example: How many gay marriage proponents do you think showed up at the state house? WAAAY more than opposed it is. And how is that vote working out in states across the country? (Note: this is just an example and don't use this to attempt any extrapolation of my viewpoint on the aforementioned).

I woul PAY to debate this issue on the technical merits with WinnFabs.
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