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Old 08-19-2009, 02:32 PM   #11
sunset on the dock
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The noise issue came to mind last night (watching sunset on the dock). There was a moderate amount of boat traffic coming through the channel, some pretty fast...35 MPH or so, but most of the boats were rather quiet and not at all annoying. Then this extremely noisy, irritating GFBL comes through. All conversation on the dock needs to stop until he's passed by. I bring this up not only relating to the story of the guy wearing the PFD and helmet, but because there seems to be a bit of discussion on the compromise thread about boat noise. Some or one of the posters said that it's a performance issue not to have underwater exhaust/other quieter types of exhaust...though the point was also brought up that they like the noise as well. In any case, aside from the obvious safety benefits of the SL (which have been challenged ad nauseum) it seems as if the noise issue has focused so much of the attention on these boaters. As was mentioned in an earlier post, people who live miles inland on hills overlooking the lake have heard these boats in years past. To me, this is just one more nail in the coffin of the GFBL group. People come here for peace, relaxation, and recreation. I hear from people all the time (renters, day boaters, etc.) who say the lake just has become way too intense and that a very few people who want their thrill of the day by going 70 MPH have ruined it for the majority (until this year).
Last night's boater did seem to scream out "look at me, look at me". This is why (just one more reason) the people of NH will be so unwilling to let go of their hard fought gains from HB 462.
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