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Old 03-02-2013, 05:07 PM   #35
camp guy
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Default A Ban on Aerial Photography in NH

Truly, this is frivolous, it really is.

In my mind I have a question I am having trouble annunciating, but the gist of the question is simple: When did everything accelerate to warp speed? It seems that any issue that surfaces crashes through the plane of reality like a missle on a mission. Whatever happened to taking a giant step back (not backward in the usual sense, but just back to create breathing room), and then actually discussing an issue in a civil manner?? (By the way, I am not making any reference to this Forum, but more specifically to the life style of our government and leaders.)

Everybody wants to sue everybody else; there are thousands of laws on the books right now and legislators want to add volumes more; we are regulated to within an inch of our own lives, and I see more coming all the time, maybe down to 1/2 inch of our own lives.

Whatever happened to compromise, whatever happened to playing fair with other people, whatever happened to civility???

At the rate we are going, we will all be walking around with nuclear-tipped walking sticks just waiting to take out whomever doesn't agree with us; or, worse yet, phaser/taser/laser rings able to zap someone and only dissable them (just to teach them a lesson).

I know I am sounding a little paranoid, but "road rage" escalates to "shopping cart rage" which escalates to "being in line in the grocery store rage" and so forth and so forth.

For me, live your own life, stay, basically out of my space, and I will respect you and appreciate you all the more.
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