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Old 03-16-2009, 04:27 PM   #60
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Default Now there's an innovative idea...

Originally Posted by Gearhead View Post
How about a more pragmatic approach to the problem of cigarette butts being dropped everywhere? The government seems to like to tax things, so why not have the feds impose a ten-cent deposit on every butt in a pack, making it worth their while to keep track of their waste. Those who don't pick up after themselves can rest assured that someone else gladly will.
Now you're thinking - hit 'em where it hurts! Nothing speaks to the average Joe smoker like more cash out of pocket for their habit - look at how much grousing they do when the cigarette tax gets a hike.

NH hasn't had a bottle bill like all the states around us and guess what you get to see now that the snow's melted? Bottles and cans by the skads along our roads and highways. Surprisingly fewer bottles and cans on MA, VT or ME highways....interesting!
Make it happen Gearhead - I'll happily sign such a petition!!!

I loathe smokers not because of their stinky habit which I'll remove myself from at all costs, but I can't do much about the losers who pop their window and toss their butts, cig wrappers, or entire ashtrays - what the hell is wrong with these people???

In the past, when I've been behind one of these a**es at a stop light, I'd occasionally get out of my car, pick up their nasty butt and drop it back in on them, but I also support the 2nd amendment and age has taken away the daredevil in me - a cigarette isn't worth a bullet in my brain.

Maybe if it costs them ten cents or a quarter deposit on each butt, then they'll use their ashtrays and stop wrecking my state.
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