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Old 03-11-2009, 07:05 AM   #19
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Certainly. If I can wake up some potential smoker from their sleep, I'll be glad to do so at any time.
BTW, my $.02 came at a pretty heavy price. I lost BOTH of my parents to smoking related diseases. My Mother died of Low blood Pressure caused by heart disease from her 2 packs a day most of her life. My father was not so lucky as to pass away from a heart attack. He died of lung cancer. Yeah he smoked camels during Vietnam. He lived through WWII Korea, and two tours of that Southeast asian country, to die by a bug. COPD was the easy part in the beginning. Nothing like having to sell your cars and personal belongings to afford to convert the garage into a hospice room, so you can bathe your father and clean up his bowel movements because he was too weak to get up. Sit and feed him ice chips to wet his mouth, and then bury your last family member. Yeah. I'd happily give up my two cents to have my parents back. Or someone elses parents for that matter. You should have heard the names my Father called himself for smoking. So I can relate to your COPD in a a very familiar way. I don't wish it on anyone. But maybe someone reading your problem and the memories that I have may spark a synapse in their brain to think twice about what smoking does to others. So Hooray for the Weirs no smoking ban!
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