Thread: Laconia and pot
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Old 02-09-2015, 02:16 PM   #40
inquiring one
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This response is written in hopes to inform and not to be interpreted as condescending in any way please. This is a prime example of how people have been conditioned into a state of fear by the use of propaganda, designed to lead the ill-informed into falsely educating the uninformed over generations. It would seem to me that if this area has a “drug” problem, the causal factors of such should be addressed. Are people trying to escape or fill a void and if so, why? Are people using street drugs because they need relief from a condition and haven’t insurance? Has the drug problem arisen from addictions spurred by over prescribed “legal “drugs? Who defines legal? Look into fluoride and what it actually is and what it has been used for since its inception. Then ask why it is added to the drinking water and as a fertilizer for “organic” produce.
This area has several government sanctioned major Drug Stores shelling out every conceivable chemical known at this time. Each comes with the promise of alleviating certain symptoms if you’d like to take the chance of also acquiring a host of side effects. Without spending a great deal of time, you can find that the “healthcare” system is a self –perpetuating money machine. The very few people which fund the hospitals also finance the pharmaceutical industry, education facilities, food production, insurance industry, petroleum and control the banking institutions. All are corporations meaning the focus is on the wallet, not people. Please don’t take my word for it, do your own inquiry.
Having a legal medical marijuana distribution center located in the area isn’t going to tip the scales much in either direction. Two (somewhat opposing) of the many articles written about the prohibition against Marijuana can be read at and . There once was a time that Hemp was used for many, many items, including a fuel source for an internal combustion engine. It is also one of the many known & suppressed cures for cancer. ( )
Should the city wish to change its image, maybe stop placing the fluoride (poison) in the drinking water and step up the snow removal?
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