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Old 08-04-2019, 10:56 AM   #24
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Originally Posted by KayakinKid View Post
Vigilante is a rather strong word. Most who carry a firearm do so simply to protect themselves and their loved ones in case violence should visit them, not to hand out justice.

Do you wear a seat belt? Do you have fire extinguishers handy? Why do you have those things, are you planning on having something bad happen? Of course not. But you are prepared, in case something does. Same idea with most people who carry a firearm.

As far as the study you mentioned, much will depend on the police officer. For many, the firearm is simply another tool on their belt, one that is rarely shot except for annual qualifications. For others, it is both a hobby, and a constant companion. I've met and watched some of the instructors at the Sig Sauer Academy who are law enforcement, and I know that I would not want to be on the receiving end of their aimed fire. Accurate shooting is a perishable skill that requires practice. From the moment the grip of the handgun is grabbed, to the draw, to sight alignment, to the squeeze of the trigger. Unfortunately, many departments can't afford the costs required to keep their officers proficient in firearms use. A normal range trip for me involves 300-400 rounds. Let's say 200 rounds, then multiply that by however many officers in a department, say a range day every 3 months, and the costs add up quickly.

In the aftermath of a violent act, you often hear people say, "I never thought it would happen here". Criminals don't make appointments, they don't respect boundaries, and they certainly don't give a hoot about "No Guns Allowed" signs. Wolfeboro is no more safe from a nutbag than any other small town in America. Is it likely to happen? No. But it could.
Well said!
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