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Old 11-04-2022, 09:42 PM   #103
John Mercier
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Had they simply pulled up along the shore sat in the water and urinated... they would still be in the public lake.

It was accessing the private property, and the manner that they did so that created the stir.

The court could read the statute broadly and determine that the activity should be construed as a violation. But that requires the landowner to press charges, and testify.

For the small fine they would get, or even less should the court decide to place on file without finding, it really isn't worth the property owner's time regardless of the temptation.

Even signing is pain; but, at least it puts some teeth into the possible penalty outcome.

This time was lucky that those involved valued their reputation enough to at least have the civility to apologize after failing to use good judgement... unfortunately, that is not always the case. And to be honest, after enough incidents the apologies get a bit old.
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