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Old 07-27-2014, 06:05 AM   #52
LSBA Joker
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Strong supporter of the MP, however, there are always going to be gaps in training and human imperfections which will cause frustration.
Recently, in a NWZ I was at absolute slowest speed, making no more wake than a speeding duck. I was glad to see an MP floating just off the docks since there had been so many no wake violators recently. As I passed to his stern, to my surprise, he waves my over. Stated that I was making a wake and passed 3 boats on the way in.
A. Yes, the bow does part the water, but, my idle speed is such that I get passed Much more often than not in NWZs,
B. actually 3 boats passed in opposite direction. I was the only boat inbound.

He told me to get the idle adjusted or bump in and out of gear. (we're talking single engine bowrider, not Outer Limits)
Bottom line, frustrating, but, no ticket and I chalked it up to being the end of a long day on the water for him, and, overall, yes, I was glad he was there to bust the true offenders.
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