Thread: Global Warming
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Old 04-25-2006, 05:36 PM   #89
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Default Agree to disagree


Since you choose to selectively respond to only portions of my post, and arguably the least substantial points of it, thereby taking the whole thing out of context, I'll be brief.

1.) The earth is warming. It is a fact. The surface temp has risen 1 degree in the last 100 years. This is not debated. Everyone accepts it. As I already said in the previous post, there is debate as to the extent of human induced influence. I believe it to be significant, others believe it may be small or none. If you care to look it up, most institutions with an opinion on global warming will back up the claim that the earth is warming regardless of who is to blame. I'll leave it at that.

2.) Comparing the Salem witch hunt of the 1600s to a scientific debate is hardly a useful or relevant analogy. Can't you come up with something better?

3.) I'm glad you are going to keep driving your car because for the 3rd time, I haven't told you to stop driving it. Despite believing that man is the major cause of global warming, I am also a realist and recognize that we simply cannot stop on a dime.

4.) I am leading by example, I am trying to increase the overall awareness of this important issue. As I stated in my last post, if only one person reading this thread begins to think differently about the issue, then I am happy to have helped. Have my posts been so inflammatory as to keep you up at night? As I said, if I am wrong, then no harm done. But if you are wrong, will you be able to say the same thing?

5.) I certainly did not "name call." I did not mean to imply that you had a closed mind, as I never actually used those words. I simply am expressing my hope that everyone, not just you, ITD, will find it useful to challenge their personal convictions.

6.) Why not enlighten us as to your personal opinion on the subject? So far, all I really know is that you don't believe global warming is fact and constantly use the ambiguity of the situation to beat back anyone who posits otherwise. I have actually agreed with you to a certain extent that everything is not fact. There are some debatable issues and not everything is known. I have challenged you with relevant examples that you have not responded to. Do you have anything else to offer? I noticed you once posted that you really don't care to look into who pays for the research on climate change. So if you don't care to learn more about the process, why are you here posting?

I'm glad I can be so entertaining...

Al Gore was a politician at the time, he obviously had an agenda. Also, the wikipedia, while great for getting general information, is not a great resource when it comes to accuracy for scientific claims as it is not subject to editorial review.

By the way, in 1992, had work actually started with real funding on producing a new type of engine, I'm almost sure we would be there either now or in a few years time. Honestly, it took 3 to 4 years to invent the atomic bomb in the 1940s and they had to do in complete secrecy. If we had some real leadership on the issue, I'd bet we could get ourselves off of oil which for economic reasons would be great (I'm sure everyone has noticed how high gas is), for security reasons would be great, and environmental issues would be even better. Guess I wasn't brief afterall. Sorry.

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