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Old 10-17-2020, 09:04 AM   #8
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My daughter was a waitress here at a popular summer establishment (beach bar) for her her 3 summers during college. She did mention on more than one occasion that if she was assigned take-out duty, the tips were minimal, and there was no adjustment to her hourly pay, so as a result, she, (and her coworkers), hated being assigned to take out.

I will say that her 3 summers of being a server certainly changed my view on tipping. The job was physically taxing...on your feet all day and hustling back and forth. Being a beach bar, she received more than her share of suggestive comments from boozed-up guys old enough to be her father, (gross), and the surly customers who would complain just to get something for nothing. Fortunately for her, this was just a summer job, but during her 3 years, she did work with some middle-aged servers, (men and women), whose full-time job was being a server...summers on the lake and winters in a warmer climate. They needed that tip money to pay the rent.

Fast forward to today....add in the devastation that Corona has caused the restaurant business and its employees--coupled with the characteristics of the job I mentioned above--and I have no problem tipping 20% or more for take-out, dine-in, you name it.
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