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Old 02-01-2010, 02:46 PM   #34
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Default My point was...

I think you are missing my point. SouthDown and Long Bay were clear cut just like all of the shores of Winninpesaukee and it's islands for farming and grazing. Over the years, much of the land was taken back by forest.

My point was without proper development planning, nature has a way of taking back things. When the monsoon came causing millions of dollars in damage at the Weirs, the damage at Southdown was not even close. No major damage was done at Long Bay.

The Weirs is a perfect example of poor planning and business owners who don't have enough capital to stay competitive. Each year the area looks more worn down. I have been visiting the area for over 25 years and as most agree, nothing much has changed. Well, someday if not already, the Cash Cow business model falls apart and without good leadership and vision, those types of businesses eventually go under. So, look at how many store fronts are boarded up at the Weirs vs. those up at Meridith, North Conway, Waterville Valley, Loon Mountain, Bretton Woods, etc. Those communities that keep up with the times will prosper and those that don't will become another down and out kind of place.

BTW: When gambling comes to NH it won't be at the Weirs due to a number factors: Not enough parking, too many environmental permits will be needed because it is close to a shoreline and watershed providing drinking water to a major population, not close to a highway, not close to MA and RI. When NH allows gambling, it will probably go to Hampton Beach which is in need of a major makeover as well. If it does not go to Hampton Beach, some community right off of one of those RT 93 exits will get it. Lets see, there is a big race track that only gets used a few times a year, an amusement park right off 93 that could be quickly bulldozed and turned into a Casino, and lots of boarder towns that would quickly raise their hand for some gambling action.
With that said, we can all wait fore someone else to give us the golden egg or do what other communities have done all on their own.

It is a shame people like Mr. Marriott can't re-build part of the Weirs rather than put up a hotel right down the street on a piece of vacant land. I guess when he visits his summer home, he either likes the Weirs for all its wonder and wants to keep it as is or he stays 10 miles away from it. I would love to know his opinion on the matter. His company has done great things re-developing areas (look at Boston's Long Warf project and Copley Place).
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