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Old 06-27-2008, 08:48 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by flyry49 View Post
This bill establishes speed limitations for vessels traveling on Lake Winnipesaukee. This bill also requires that violations of the general rules for vessels operating on water become a part of the motor vehicle driving record of the person convicted.

so now any moving violation on the lake gets put on your driving record. thanks guys, gonna have to find a different lake to enjoy myself on now
yes, that's just one more present they put into this bill to keep certain people and boats away from the lake. I ask you to reconsider your stand and come to the lake and enjoy. I for one will absolutely fight a speeding ticket on the water that will affect my driver's license. I will hire a lawyer to help me do this as I have the resources. I encourage EVERYONE who gets a speeding ticket on the lake to do the same, whether you're able to hire a lawyer or not just the fact that so many people are willing to fight this will send a message. I'm considering starting some type of legal defense fund for people who've received speeding tickets on the lake in case they are financially unable to hire a lawyer. We need to think of some snappy acronym for the defense fund. Any suggestions??

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