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Old 10-22-2012, 01:20 PM   #117
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Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post
Non-Residents can attend town meetings & hearings and voice thier opinion even if they cannot vote! The problem with letting non-resident taxpayers vote in local elections is that non-residents do not neccesarily have the towns best interest at stake.

For example if you live in Tewksbury, MA you might have voted for the new High School (and subsequent tax increase) because your kids may attend that school or for some other reason it benefits you to do so. So you are ok with the extra tax burden.

Your second home is located up here in Gilford, most Non-Residents would probably vote not to build a new high school (and associated tax increase) because it has NO benefit to them whatsoever!

The bottom line is this.... if you want to vote up here then move up here! make this your PRIMARY residence.

GREAT answer.

Think of a situation: a Cambridge, MA business owner, the business owns the real estate in Cambridge which houses the business, and the owner resides and owns his/her residence in Arlington, nearby. He can vote in only ONE community!

Same is true for second homeowners between Lakes Region vacation property and another State. Only one is the residence where you vote!
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