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Old 10-14-2009, 11:26 AM   #267
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Default What a great summer it was

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
I unleashed NOTHING nasty on anyone on here ever.
Hazelnut, you just recently called me a liar. You promised to apologize, but were not woman enough to do it when shown you were wrong. You have time and again shown yourself to be nasty and insulting, then like the others in your group, you tack a few smiley faces at the end of your posts so you can later pretend you were just "razzing" (whatever that means).
The bottom line is that 83% (+/- 3%) of the registered voters of NH (who own the lake, pay for its management, pay higher taxes when it is mismanaged and tourism drops, pay lower taxes when it is better managed and tourism rises, elect the State's legislators, and may or may not use the lake for any one of a wide variety of purposes) want a speed limit on it, and their votes are THE most important influence on the legislators from all around the state...even from Salem. We cannot limit to just votes of boating citizens or to the legislators representing them...not in this country. And the other bottom line is that you guys have polled yourselves and can't even agree amongst yourselves whether we should have any laws at all or should just leave it up to people with no common sense to make their own choices about what is appropriate. Good luck taking that to Concord and good luck in the independent country that you guys form because you need to drive your boats over 45MPH. Just don't base your economy on tourism.