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Old 06-28-2009, 06:08 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
Maybe...maybe not.

On-line, I read a somewhat different Wolfeboro account from nearly 2 years ago.

It was a relatively long-term rental by a family. Complaints of "smoke" were made, WPD arrived and found a too-large package of "weeds". The Mom was taken in for resisting arrest.

Even in New Hampshire (or especially in New Hampshire) I suspect every motel and hotel has their fabled stories; however, I wouldn't pile any story on the Wolfeboro Inn's new General Manager.

->...And then "shill" for a competitor...

The incident of 1 1/2 years ago did not happen during a long term rental.

The incident had nothing to do with our family but that of a child of another local resturant owner (CP) in town and was less then 1/2 of a bowl full so the police gave that child an escort home and then came back to hunt down my child. The mother was not arrested for resisting arrest this night or for this incident so you are wrong again. Furthermore, the ownership of the Inn was already new at the time - maybe not the current GM but definately the same mgt. team.

Furthermore I'm not a shill for a competitor but rather a grateful customer who has received several nice meals with great service. Shouldn't I mention the good things or just complain like you?

I personally have worked at LOTS of different resturants - both small and very large - both as a waitress and mgt. and I know what it takes to make it happen and make your customers happy. They aren't doing it.

There obviously is a problem at the Inn which we all had hoped would be resolved with this new GM but it just doesn't seem to be happening. There is plenty of local talent and I do consider Alton as local but not Exeter. And what happens if the person from Exeter goes home - does it all fall apart again?

Perhaps they should have taken part of the $4.5 million and had a week long training session for their staff. It would have been better money spent. You can make things look as pretty as you want but without happy customers it's not going to fly. Word of mouth is your best or worst advertisement as you can see the results right here.
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