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Old 06-24-2009, 05:27 PM   #39
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The reason jet skis have to be 150' apart is because they are considered boats, and it is the law. And there is usually plenty of room to separate. A road is only so wide. And what, cars stay 150 feet apart on the road? Not the roads I drive on. I actually thought everyone up here was gay when I first moved here. Because everyone on the road was tailgating my a$$ everywhere I did the speed limit.
And 45mph on the lake is because you did not do enough at the State House to get them to kill that idiotic bill. Well, maybe you did do something, but we sure didn't do enough. So there it is, plain and simple.

I have been riding for over 40 years, so Gee, why is it that cars think they can pull out in front of me at intersections where I have the right of way and almost put me into a tree? Who knows. And why does everyone that tows a jet ski or boat trailer, always have their left tire over the yellow when coming around a corner. should I hit them, maybe have a charity event for their skis or boat? Gee, Who knows?

I see a Big rig coming down the road, I pull over. I see a woman walking her dog down the road, I pull over, I see a boat trailer coming, I pull over. I see the Tuftonboro Police cruiser coming down the road with two tires on my side of the road, I pull over.

That said, I have a comment about the charity rides. I attend many charity rides. Many do great good, for great causes, and help many people that are in need. I also belong to the Patriot Guard, who ride to the funerals of fallen soldiers. We have riding rules that do not include riding the center line of the roads if at all possible. In NH there have been over 35 rides for the soldiers of this state who have given their lives, so you can make comments about charity rides, but the next time you see a group of riders on a charity or memorial run, have some respect for they are accomplishing rather than worrying about killing someone, "By accident"....or squeezing us over. Umm , BTW exactly how many charity events has everyone here been to lately. How many service men, and women funerals have you been to?
How many have given to Toys for Tots? How many Blood drive rides have you been to? Not saying you haven't been to any, but Bikers are one group that donate a lot of time and energy to help people, so don't stereotype us all as being "morons".

By the way, riding in pairs or staggered creates a larger frontal section. This helps oncoming traffic to see us coming. Also the headlights when riding abreast make it look like a larger vehicle coming your way. This is all to aid in helping you to see us on our bikes. Usually because your on your cell phone or fiddling with your GPS units, trying light a butt, or texting the wife what you want for dinner.

This is the main advantage for riding two abreast....Just an FYI.

Just drive like a considerate person. I do. The bike will be gone down the road behind you, and you'll still be driving down the road ahead of you. Both going home to your respective families. not wondering if you are going to get sued for killing a biker..."By accident"....

One last thing...Yes I like my leather. I paid a lot of money for them, and I like them in Black.
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