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Old 06-24-2009, 11:15 AM   #34
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Default well, because

[QUOTE=VitaBene;98256]Thanks HT- you nailed it. There is absolutely no reason to ride that line as tight as many riders do. The auto tire track is not on the center line it is almost 2 feet from the line (otherwise cars would be scraping each other driving in opposite directions). The center line is a horrible place to be.

Ride Safe!!

I was going to hold my thoughts but............

GTO, A question for you- why do all those jetskiers wear those almost identical vest thingys? BTW it would not have been humorous if the jacket had caused him to spill. It is not humorous when I stop my boat to return something that has fallen off another boat or jet ski either. It's called being helpful (did you ask if they needed a hand?)

Fair question.

You see, someone in the state of NH and I believe alot of other states, made this silly law that says we "Have" to wear them. If that wasn't a silly law, I bet alot of people woule be wearing safety leather on their jet skiis.

Fortunately, the jacket going under the tire did not cause an accident. Although if it did, there would be a new thread with prayers for all involved, was drinking a factor, crime scene reconstruction wannabes, armchair lawyers etc. so I guess we are lucky we don't have to read a thread like that.

Oh, and I lost a bumper from my boat last week, Being the good samaritan you are, can you please find it for me and return it. I lost it somewhere between Merideth Bay and Alton Bay. Thanks.
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