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Old 06-23-2009, 01:07 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by jrc View Post
The guys on the center line are doing this to get attention, same as the loud pipes guys. I'm a long time bike rider and I know the type, nothing makes them happier than someone complaining about them.

When I ride in a group we ride staggered, not side by side. One guy is in the left tire track, then next guy in the right but a little behind. When we stop at a light we line up side by side to chat.

When I crashed my bike (must be 10 years now) I was glad that I didn't take anyone else down with me. And luckly it was hot, so I had removed my jacket, saved it from getting all covered with road rash and blood
JRC got it right...

Your supposed to ride STAGGERED, not side by side, one in the left tire groove, one bike in the right tire groove.... You need to leave enough room in your STAGGERED formation to allow for emergency manouvers. drift over the center and you are going to have a VERY bad day!!

On another note... I think they need to teach some bikers how to tighten up and hold thier line in a turn! It amazes me how many bikers dont know how to do this and end up in the gravel or over the yellow line! The rear brake is your friend! Use it!

The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.
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