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Old 06-22-2009, 12:48 PM   #1
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Default Bike week question

Ok, before anybody gets down on me.....I have nothing against bike week. I personally think its cute that you get thousands of people from all over the country...all dressing in the same, on 90 degree days. Although I did see one smart rider going up the hill on rt 25 on Saturday near the school. He must of been getting too hot with all the leather so he took off his coat and put it in the cargo net on his seat. oooppps, should of secured it a little better, maybe it wouldn't have got sucked up under your wheel and bike and made you come to an abrupt stop. Very humorous though as he and 2 buddies stood in the middle of the road trying to yank the coat out.
anyway, back to my question. Why in the name of God, do bikers insist on riding the solid yellow line when they travel 2 abreast? Coming in on 104 on a rainy Friday night, I could of wiped out a few if I wasn't paying attn and hugging the right side of the road. Almost made me want to put the plow back on and ..well.
And why is it ok for two motorcycles to ride side by side, less than 4 feet from each other on pavement going 70 mph...but 2 seadoos have to be 150 ft apart on water and can't go more than 45mph?
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