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Old 04-02-2009, 09:19 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by jmen24 View Post
The state of NH requires that all home renovation work, new homes, anything that you hire someone else that is presenting themselves as a contractor (Tax ID registered with the state) HAS to provide a 1 year warranty on all labor and materials to perform the work. Materials that the owner supplies are not covered as well as removed and replaced materials. Based on the 15 month time frame I would say you are out of luck and if the install was completed incorrectly the manufacturer will walk away as well. This happens all the time and in the current economy more and more fly-by-night contractors are performing work that is very sub-par (cutting corners is the only way to reduce costs when you do not have a large overhead). I am sorry that the previous owners left you with this bag.

Always work will a reputable company that provides you all the proof that backs up there statements and answers all your questions clearly and confidently. Do not shop on price alone, part of our design process is to draw a pie graph in front of the owners and divide into three pieces: Finish Level, Square Footage and Price. The owners get to select two and we provide the third, you cannot get all three, it is practically impossible. Thats it for my infomercial today.
You are right on with your post. If the company is reputable they should stand behind thier work if it was installed wrong in the first place, Time frame should not matter as long it is not a redicoulous amout of time. 1 yr is the normal amout of time but if someones company means anything to them step up and correct the issues.
And this statement has no reflection on the original post, All to often most people shop on price alone and not the quality of work you would get for the cheapest price. Personally I like some of these fly by nite companies. Once they mess something up so bad it makes the reputable companies look all that much better, and when a shopper has to pay twice for the same project they usually are not very happy about it but do learn a good lesson.
Sorry for the rant
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