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Old 10-30-2008, 08:42 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by ILoveWinnipesaukee View Post
I am not against guns for protecting the freedom of the United States, or of the common man. My complaint is with the parent that gives an 8 year old an automatic weapon for shooting pumpkins. There are the rights to bear arms for protection, then there needs to be laws regarding hunting arms.

Would an uzi be used to go hunting? I am not sure it would be, plus an 8 year old cannot get a hunters license can he? An adult should have used better judgement than to allow a small child such a dangerous weapon that kicks back so badly as the news showed.
I agree..... what was the father thinking? Apparently he wasnt, and neither was the instructor! As bad as this sounds its amazing only one person died...

A completely preventable tragedy!

The 2nd Amendment gives you the RIGHT to bear arms. Thats a pretty darn powerful word! The government has HUNDREDS if not THOUSANDS of laws pertaining to the regulation of firearms. There is no need for additional laws or regulation. In fact I think the laws should be streamlined somewhat.

IMHO, the government shouldnt be telling you what type of firearm you can own... its your RIGHT to posess one. There is no need for firearms to be limited to protection or hunting. I was against the assault weapon ban when it was first implemented and I was glad it was repealed. If you want to limit the use of firearms tax the ammo...


PS: FLL, this isnt a Democrap vs. Repunklican issue. Slowly but surely everyones constitutional rights are being eroded by the nanny types that somehow think you can legislate common sense. Both political parties are guilty of this!
The only way to eliminate ignorant behavior is through education. You can't fix stupid.

Last edited by Woodsy; 10-30-2008 at 12:30 PM.
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