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Old 10-11-2008, 11:31 AM   #1
Mr. V
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Default Is Winnipesaukee passe?

With the advent of the computer and the variety of entertainment options it brings us, coupled to the phobia most of the young have against exercising, it seems that the notion of a vacation at the Lake is no longer the Top Drawer attraction it once was.

With the near-universal availability of air conditioning, there is no longer the need to go to the Lake to beat the summer heat.

Certainly this year was a bust, but the lousy economy had something to do with it.

My theory is that Modern Folks may consider the idea of spending a week or two on the side of the lake as not stimulating enough, especially given the alternatives now available.

Water skiing?

Ho-hum, the kids would rather go online. .

The Weirs?

Boring; the kids (and many parents) have more fun playing video games on their x-box at home.

For parents, a quiet cabin in the woods is not as interesting as some other options such as a cruise, or a gambling jaunt.

Tastes morph and change: Old School may no longer be enough to earn the entertainment dollar.

Time will tell.
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