Thread: Hateful pms
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Old 08-26-2008, 10:53 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post

I've tried to explain this several times, but most of my critics here don't seem to understand: I suffered a rather severe head injury when I was very young, which damaged much of the left side of my brain. So I have some major language problems. Putting my thoughts into words is very difficult, since I am only able to think in images. I am very direct and extremely literal - that's the only way that I can communicate. I was also taught to stand up for myself and for my beliefs. If that comes across as "very arrogant and bull headed", then I'm sorry.
And I'm sure people have read your explanations several times. The PMs you get would indicate that those folks are not sympathetic to your condition.

You have identified a fairly stable feedback loop here:
- You post your thoughts/feelings in the best manner that you can ->
People get irritated or annoyed by your position and flog you publicly and privately.

You can accept the flogging, difficult as it might be. Or, you can stop posting. Unfortunately (and I mean this very very sincerely) you are not likely to cause the vast majority of people here to like you or accept you without some change on YOUR part. Trust me, I get that you may not want to, or may not be able to change.

I applaud you for standing up for your position and taking the time to articulate your thoughts. I would also suggest that you would do best to simply drop/ignore any speed limit and kayak safety debates, your efforts there sound time consuming, and you are not making any progress for the effort spent.
[insert witty phrase here]
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