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Old 08-11-2008, 10:19 AM   #266
Bear Islander
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Originally Posted by VtSteve View Post
The lake could easily be made safer, as could all waterways, by addressing the day to day reality of boating, especially on weekends. If people like you, that have apparently spent a great deal of time with the speed limit issue, could see the end of your noses, safety would be addressed. Pragmatic behavior is not the strong suit of the speed limit crowd. But in their defense, I can see how their false message of safety lured in the naive, while their true agenda went unnoticed. They're happy for now, and the lemmings continue to follow on the same course.

If you guys spent half the time promoting increased enforcement of existing laws, promoted additional funding, etc..., you'd have some credibility. Day in and day out, real boaters (including the GFBL boating groups), have actively promoted enforcement to no avail. While every couch potato idiot in every state cries for speed limit laws after every accident, the one thing that becomes abundantly clear is they don't know safety from a ham sandwich.
It's not about safety. It never was about safety. We have been saying that from day one until now.

If you guys spent half the time listening that you do pontificating perhaps you would realize that.

And almost every time I post that its not about safety, someone will post something like "AHA! now we know the real reason for the speed limit!"
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