Thread: MP - Seriously?
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Old 08-08-2008, 06:32 AM   #74
Skipper of the Sea Que
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Thumbs up MP VHF Warnings & MP Braun Bay Invasions

Originally Posted by Joanna16 View Post
So there we were Saturday legally anchored down in Braun Bay. {snip}
Along comes Marine Patrol - we figured they we stopping by as a courtsey to tell us to check our anchors and hunker down - NOT. They came in to check our 25ft. Seriously?

When asked about the storm they said they did not know but 2 boats near to us were not legally achored and had to move. Is this really the time to be splitting hairs about the 25ft rule?????

What about the safety of that boat and it's passengers was going to be effected by them moving 5ft further away for that other boat???? Isn't it better that the captain was not physically in the water when the storm hit?
First, to Joanna16's thread starter. Why did MP enforce no-rafting rules rather than warn you about the storm? You answered your own question about the storm warning: They said they did not know... they would have to know about the storm before they could warn you. They probably did not know about it at MP Headquarters therefore no warning to the Patrol Boats or on VHF 16. This may be the storm that CLA talked about in the weather thread HERE mentioning that warnings came late, after the storm passed.

I was not at the lake during the storm however, in years past I have heard the Marine Patrol issue weather warnings on VHF channel 16. Most of us have heard Bill, (Mighty Mo II) issue weather warnings on VHF 16 over many years. He is a member of the Marine Patrol Auxiliary and a great help to boaters. If he is on-the-air less this season I hope it is because he is out using his recently regained vision.

I've also heard the Captain of the Mount Washington issue weather warnings on VHF 16 in addition to numerous recreational boaters.

Lt. Dunleavy responded to Airwaves' e-mails with very logical explanations. I think the MP does a fine job. I'd like to see more of them. The few times I've been stopped over the last few decades I knew why as soon as I saw those blue lights. The officers were very courteous and efficient. They wanted to be sure I knew the rules. They agreed with my judgement calls and I did not receive any tickets.

I like to listen to communications radios and have trouble keeping an ear on Channel 16 sometimes myself. Kids, chit chat, radio checks (calling MP, MP, is my radio working?) and other improper uses of channel 16 make it hard even for me to always listen. Imagine all the stuff MP listens to at dispatch and (over motor noise) in patrol boats. Distress calls to MP via VHF 16 if not heard directly by MP dispatch should be heard by someone who will relay the message - even call them on the phone to get them on Ch 16. I can easily understand why MP patrol boats don't normally communicate on VHF Ch 16 - The dispatcher is the one to handle 2-way radios and telephone calls for aid from the public.

No Rafting Rules enforcement at Braun Bay is nothing new. I chuckled while reading the Forum Archives from 2000 about the Braun Bay MP Invasion. For some interesting reading try these threads:
5 - 7 MP boats invade Braun Bay. And more discussion of Braun Bay invasion. My comment post on No Rafting Zone activities from June 2000 is found HERE.

A few familiar names in those archives (Rose, was that you back then?) and similar complaints - I wonder how many current forum regulars posted to those threads under other names - no registration was required to post back in those days.

Airwaves, I know who you are - and I might accept bribes - I do need a new boat

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Last edited by Skipper of the Sea Que; 08-08-2008 at 07:40 AM. Reason: feeble attempts to correct grammer...
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