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Old 06-27-2008, 10:02 AM   #42
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Default No Evidence

2BD, you can speculate that speed was involved but there is no confirmation provided. So why should this be discussed in the speed limit thread? If speed is found to be the cause of this accident then you can post an "I told you so". I don't know any of the people involved, and have no first hand knowledge of what happened. So I am reserving judgment until the investigation is complete. And even after that how is my judgment important? There will still be someone who has been killed, and two others who's lives are changed forever. Who am I to sit in judgment? We all have had things happen, or made decisions that we wish we could redo. Unfortunately there is no rewind in life. So sit on your high horse, and hand down your edicts without facts to back them up. I will wait until the investigation is completed and take whatever lessons can be learned from that. It is just unfortunate that these three women's lives had to be irrevocably altered for the rest of us to possibly learn a lesson.
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