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Old 06-17-2008, 10:26 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by fatlazyless View Post
I obviously have no idea who wrote the letter from F L Less. One can imagine what their intent was.

What I do know, is that I absolutely - positively - absolutely did not write it!

As I said in my post from last night, someone acting in very bad faith crafted this nasty letter to the Union Leader and signed it F L Less.

It was not me!

With such a grave and serious accident that involves big injuries and death, it would be extremely rude and nasty. People have feelings! It is just totally out of good taste to be so disrespectfull.

On the human scale of importance, a grave boating accident emotionally outweighs a speed limit law by a million comparision....

Again, please accept my condolences to all close to this boating accident!

I'm a boater too. Wave to me, and I'll wave back to you.

You know, I do not expect any apologies from anyone who wrote any of the nasty ghoulish replies about me. There was a terrible accident. People get very upset, and they see that nasty letter, and they assume it is real so they react in turn.

Let's just forget about that and move on.

Here's hoping the accident survivors will make a speedy & full recovery.
I believe Less' statement here and want to apologize for calling him ghoulish. Less, that statement is still in that article, I would be outraged if someone did this to me. I suggest that you call the Union leader and ask them to remove it if you haven't already. I'm sure that the UL ip logs the responses it receives, maybe it would be possible to associate that IP with an IP used in this forum, who knows.

I still stand behind my ghoul statement for the person who wrote that response, no matter which side of the SL debate they are on and the others, who were waiting for this tragedy to say "see, I told you so".

I would also like to point out that hitting an immoveable object like a wall at 25 mph with a boat will cause massive damage and probably death. I would be very surprised if this boat was going over 25 mph. If you don't believe me, drive your car into a concrete abutment at 25 and see what happens.

Last edited by ITD; 06-17-2008 at 11:49 AM. Reason: changed they to you....
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