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Old 05-21-2008, 11:56 AM   #306
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Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
1) We should not have a speed limit because there are not enough resources to enforce them. Well in my NH town we have many many miles of road and just 1 or 2 cops to enforce speed limits. I can drive for miles and miles with little expectation of seeing a police cruiser. Does that mean we should repeal all speed limits in town? Obviously not...the speed limit alone is a deterrent for most people.
The MP has a difficult time enforcing the current laws on the books. Most importantly the 150 foot rule and DUI!

Originally Posted by Turtle Boy View Post
4) A poll showing that the majority of NH people are in favor of speed limits has been dismissed with a variety of specious (and angry, bitter) arguments . Our legislators in the House and Senate are characterized as having been totally bamboozled by the Winnfabs (sometimes referred to as Winncrabs, Winnfarts) crowd.
So the pro speed limit crowd references the poll over and over, and the anti speed limit crowd references the speed study. Flaws in both polls have been exposed and debated here in the recent months.

We've taken a poll here which yielded a vastly different result than the one in Manchester....

The speed limit study (no matter how you add/subtract/divide/multiply) shows that under 1% of the sample study were exceeding the propsed limits.

In conclusion, I ask you - what problem is the speed limit addressing?
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