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Old 05-03-2008, 11:03 PM   #128
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Originally Posted by Islander View Post
No answers to this post BI. They don't like it when you destroy their preconceived ideas. They like the image of us as selfish snobs that hate noise, speed and a fancy paint job. We are supposed to like wine and Brie and talk with our teeth clenched. That way they can discount what we say and call us liars when we say the problem is pollution or safety. They know they can't win those arguments, so they convince each other its all a fraud...
No one thinks BI is truely rich, if he was he would be taking the $20 million astronaut trip with the Russians instead of the $0.2 million dollar bargain trip. He's not lying about pollution and safety, but they are not the primary reasons behind his HB-847 support. They're just attractive after-thoughts stuck on to pretty up the support after all the real reasons came to light and they were unsavory. BI has clearly said he hopes this law will discourage certain boats from using the lake. He says this all the time, it's no secret.

It's not about not liking certain boats, it's about not liking them in his backyard. I'm sure Teddy Kennedy loves windmills, just not where he sails.

Originally Posted by Islander View Post
I suspect they really hate to hear about camp directors supporting limits. Camp directors are obviously experienced, responsible professionals with a lot of lake experience. Its hard to argue away their opinions or pretend they have a personal axe to grind.
Get a camp director on the forum to tell us what he thinks. Forgive me, if I don't take your word for it. I guarantee the camp director will be more concerned about boats traveling too close to his campers than some boat traveling over 45 MPH in the middle of the broads.
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