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Old 04-28-2008, 09:12 PM   #40
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Originally posted by Bear Islander:
“They spread the lie that it will cost money to enforce (it cost nothing).”
If you are a businessman you know that to be a false statement. If you are required to do more with less, then productivity suffers. In this case the more is not only setting up radar posts, but now developing and implementing Homeland Security regulations to get recreational boaters to keep an eye out along the coast for terrorists. Both of these things will either require more money, or diversion of manpower. Additional money is not coming down the pike to hire necesary personnel to man radar posts and develop and implement Homeland Security measures and not make cuts in safety patrols so your speed limit law will make the lake less safe. So by diverting resources it is costing us money because we will be getting less for our boating dollar.

Originally posted by Bear Islander
“They point to a study they think says nobody is speeding (it doesn't)”
No one was speeding, in this case going over the proposed speed limit, because HB847 is not law. Less than 1 percent of the boats clocked on Lake Winnipesaukee, in research conducted much in the same way this law would be enforced if it’s approved, were exceeding the proposed speed limit.

Originally posted by Bear Islander
“while forgetting the simple reality that if nobody is speeding, then nobody will be inconvenienced by this law.”
What it actually means is the proposed law is an unnecessary waste of diminishing Marine Patrol resources.

Originally posted by Bear Islander“The few that own these expensive, highly polluting, global warming, gas hogs, fly around the lake at speeds up to 130 mph scaring the living hell out of family boaters. They have no concept of how many small boaters, including children's campers, they are keeping off of the water.”
So you are NOT linking performance boats and children’s camps…again? And where did you get data about this 130mph boat scaring the living hell out of family boaters?

Originally posted by Bear Islander
“They are coming to Winnipesaukee because the are being regulated off other lakes. As this trend continues their numbers will grow. Their wakes kill loons, and erode the shore. The water quality of the lake is slowly dropping.”
The wake of a boat up on plane, any boat up on plane is negligible. Can wakes kill a loon? Sure but the stress of someone deciding to paddle up to those pretty birds can kill them as well.

You have written about your dream to impose a horse power limit on the lake as well. If you think the wake of a boat on plane is an errosion problem think of what the wake created by an underpower boat will be! Be careful what you wish for, you might get it.

As for water quality, as has been pointed out you keep targeting newer engines that are far less polluting than older engines. Maybe in BI’s world no one has a boat or engine older than a year but in the real world that is not the case.

Originally posted by Bear Islander
“What this is really about is money. The marine manufacturer's and people that sell and service high performance boats will do ANYTHING, tell any lie, play any card, enlist any well intentioned freedom lover, to stop this legislation.”
I haven’t seen many exaggerations being made by opponents, we have been using statistics from New Hampshire to make our case, while on the other hand, well all you have to do is re-read your post to see the bold face lies and fear mongering in this discussion.

Originally posted by Hazelnut:
“Another post worthy of being printed out and pasted to my wall. You do a great job of pointing out just about every misconception that you are feeding yourself and everyone. I do not even know where to begin with this post. This is the biggest pile of fear and hate mongering I've ever read on this forum. Portions of this post border on outright lies.”
I’ve got to agree with you Hazelnut. Bear Islander just keeps churning out the fear in hopes that someone in Concord will take up his message and get Hi Performance boats off the lake, then start in with cruisers next session!

Any credibility that Bear Islander still had with me on this subject, and it wasn’t much at this point, has been expended.

So, proponents and opponents I call on both sides to urge the adoption of USCG Navigation Rule 6 in place of HB 847 and both sides will get what they say they want.
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