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Old 02-08-2008, 10:09 AM   #83
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Thumbs up Well written, Hazelnut

Originally Posted by hazelnut View Post
Bear Islander,

You obviously have a strong belief in the need for a speed limit. So let's strip away all the peripheral debate and twisting of words and succinctly state our case as to why we need this law. Lets try to avoid embellishment and conjecture. I will do the same in a very simple statement that I believe to be based on fact not emotion.

Please keep in mind that I own a 25 foot bowrider capable of only 49 MPH. I have very young children all under the age of 5. I love to kayak and swim. I live on an island just like you. I also think the lake is way too crowded. I also think that it can be dangerous to boat on the lake. I wanted to say all of this to give you some background information on who I am. I will never own a "GFBL" boat as it has been termed.

Here is my statement:
Based on facts and statistics, speed has never been an issue with regard to accidents or deaths on the lake. In fact with the completion of the recent study done on the lake it has been proven that most boaters do not even exceed 45mph on a regular basis. The real issue is uneducated boaters and more importantly rude boaters. Those individuals who put themselves their passengers and other boaters swimmers and kayakers in harms way due to their ignorance and flat out "I don't care attitude." What we need is increased funding for the Marine Patrol to have the tools to patrol the waters and enforce the laws that are already in place. Instead of wasting money on a law that solves nothing, lets put all this effort, energy and funding towards enforcing what is already a solid system of boating on the lake. If every boat on the lake followed every law currently on the books we would not be having this discussion.

Not quite succinct but I believe it makes a strong case.

One more thing. Please do not quote me or dispute me in your statement. I want to hear a fact based original thought.
Hazelnut . . . well written and quickly to the point . . . based upon FACT. Let's hope our Senators have the wisdom and courage to discuss and vote based upon objective information and not emotional stories.
We can achieve only that which we "see" in our vision, believe is possible, and expect to manifest.
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