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Old 02-07-2008, 10:50 AM   #41
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Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
I don't need to point it out—it's in the link.

In 2005, Director Barrett says that radar works poorly at angles, that "only" 15% of boats exceed 55-MPH.
A comment BEFORE the study, when nobody, including you had any idea how many speeding boats were on the lake.......

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
He then authorizes:
1) a monkey-wrench of a study by a dismissed Safety Director using
Didn't go your way, would have been the gold standard of studies had it proven your point. Sore loser, there is no problem, you need to twist, fabricate and use data from far away to prove point....

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
2) marked patrol boats with
Hmmmm, another poster on this site disagrees with this assertion, says unmarked boats were indeed used, this theory may just get blown out of the water, pun intended, just like "all the test zones were announced before the test".

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
3) unpaid volunteers holding
Here we go again, so now you are saying all the readings were taken by "unpaid volunteers" ? Doesn't sound right APS, just like most of the SL things you post, kills your creditability.

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
4) the "inaccurate" radar units whose
5) results are selectively thrown out to

Once again, not the whole story. The radar units, used in their intended environment are very accurate. Innaccuracies arise when used on boats. Incident angle issues, which cause the reading to be lower than the actual speed can be an issue. The MP stated they used only readings taken head on. They took this step because otherwise you and your side would be jumping all over the results for cosine error, can't do that now, so now you insinuate the opposite, that high speed results were omitted, give me break. If I take the results and shift them for a 30 degree cosine error, the number of boats over 45 mph go from less than 1 percent to less than 3 percent. Face it, there is no speed problem on the lake, the speed limit is a waste of time , money and resources.

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
6) result in a survey that finds that fewer boats are identified speeders when
I just covered that, you are wrong, or worse.......

Originally Posted by Acres per Second View Post
7) the measuring zones are advertised in advance.
You know better by now, this is pretty much a bald faced mischaracterization of the truth, when you print this at this time............

Last edited by ITD; 02-07-2008 at 11:06 AM. Reason: civility.....
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