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Old 02-06-2008, 06:55 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Bear Islander View Post
If the speeds recorded in the unmarked boats were higher than in the marked boats, it would support the premise that boats go slower when the MP is in sight. It would indicate that only the speeds recorded by the unmarked boats were untainted.

But until we have data we don't know a thing. It might only have been one unmarked boat on a rainy day. Or Dick is pulling a fast one and there were no unmarked boats.

The question of unmarked boats has been talk about since day one. If they existed why has it taken so long to tell us. And why were they not mentioned in the study report.

Once again an assertion that raises more questions than it answers.
Once again, I quote myself: "If there is mayhem and the wild west and enough high speed boats for Evenstar to have "close encounters" on the few times she has been on Lake Winnipesaukee, then I would expect to see the problem in ten percent of the readings or in the other ninety percent for that matter."

So if I understand your position, these scary, loud, ultrafast boats, that are unable to avoid "close calls" with a prolific kayaker, are so abundant that island folk see them all the time, are so prevalent that women and children are afraid to venture out on the lake, these speeding boats suddenly become so competent that they are able to evade both marked and unmarked speed traps or even just marked boats? I don't think so............
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