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Old 08-13-2007, 08:02 PM   #252
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Gavia immer made me shake my head by writing:
My take now is that the moment that the spotlight is put to use looking ahead of the powerboat, that obstructions should have been seen. If obstructions aren't seen once a spotlight is put to use, that was negligence on the part of the captain for excess speed under conditions he created himself for his boat and passengers.
A SPOTlight is just that, a high powered beam of light. It throws a focused BEAM of light. It does not turn night into day. The part of this argument that you folks who insist that the powerboaters are always wrong is that the kayker, as the operator of a boat, in addition to violating the law regarding lighting configuration, obviously SAW THE POWER BOAT COMING and chose to abandon his boat rather than take evasive action!
Give it up!
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